Bong Water® Energized Soft Drinks™ contain a unique blend of viverant flavors, cultural nostalgia, and adrenaline pumping caffeine!

Bong Water® Energized Soft Drinks™ are designed to chill your thirst without bloating you up; to help kick your butt into high gear when you need the extra boost, so you’ll be able to keep on… keepin’ on. Why worry when that sugar surge that a regular soft drink delivers reverses itself knocking you into the dirt when you least expect it; or when you can’t afford the brain drain.
Bong Water® Energized Soft Drinks™ will not only satisfy your desire for a stimulating alcohol-free tangy picker – upper; it will also satisfy your need to be socially cool and sophisticated without the negative vibes associated with alcohol abuse. The Original 420 Chronic Tonic™ is packaged in stylish long neck 12 ounce short neck bottles wrapped in attractive, eyecaching, and vibrantly colored labels that will let everyone know that you’re not drinking “the usual” ho-hum soda.
Your buds will freak when they see you drinking Bong Water® Energized Soft Drinks™!
So, be in the “in” crowd, GET IT DOWN™ and, DO THE CHRONIC™ with Bong Water® Energized Soft Drinks™!
Ask for it when you see the sign of the drinks! And tell ’em, “Johnny Chronic™ sent ya.”